Thursday, March 27, 2008

96 Women Bloggers to Watch for Spring 2008

I love lists... making them, reading them and finding them. And I love reading great articles that can help in with an area of my life I am interested in improving. Blogging is one of them. I read at least two articles every day about blogging and I check out at least a dozen new bloggers a week. So I have mentioned several great women bloggers I have come across since our last list of women bloggers to watch came out and also want to share five articles I found particularly informative.

I got a lot of information from an article written by Lisa Druxman of She Says, “Whether you start your own or visit someone else's, blogs can help you build the relationships your business needs.” Hurry over to Lisa’s article, “Real Moms do blog” - it is filled with great tips and motivation about why you should start blogging.

Tali presents How Do Small Blogs Make It Big? - The Story of Search for Blogging posted at The Marketer Review, saying, “How do you grow your small blog? A case study.”

The 3 Reasons People Visit Your Blog at Millionaire Secrets - The article suggests how Content, entertainment and people want to get to know you will get people to visit your blog and keep them coming back for more.

If you like adding photos to your blog read 15 Best Image Search Engines to Find Photos Online an excellent resource for finding great images online.

And finally, here's a very ecclectic group of talented women called "96 Women Bloggers to Watch this Spring" - be sure and check them out!

Back in Skinny Jeans with Stephanie Quilao

Chrysanthemoms with Chrys

Miss 604 with Rebecca Bollitt

Creating with Impact with Robin Matuk

Twenty Set with Monica O’Brien

Reading More, Making Money, Making a Difference! with Sonya Smith

All Business with Denise O'Berry

Moms in Business with Linda Locke

Girl Meets Business with Angela at

Alpha Woman with Freda Mooncotch

Women & Hi-Tech with Joyce

Transformation Revolution with Dr. Leah

New Urban Mom with Sharon McMillan

Woman, Start Your Business Now with Amanda M. Gladden

Work it Mom, Blog with Nataly Kogan

Women 2.0 Canada with Beverly, Monica, Ana and Melany

Business Communicators of Second Life with Linda Zimmer

Eileen’s Technology Blog with Eileen Brown

Rachel Elnaugh

Internet Mumpreneurs with Leigh Hunt

Woman Tribune with Holly Ord

Mom’s United in Business with Jennifer Rogers

Business in General with Sabrina Parsons, Beth Anne Whalen, Kristen Langham, 'Chelle Parmele and a few Guys

Stealth Mode with Francine Hardaway

Add Your Comment Here with Kate

Beautiful Fitness with Alix Florio

Women Leading the Future with Maree Harris

Free Business Tips with Emma Rhoades

Soulpreneur Success with Sandra Reed

Asher Solutions with Ashley E. Underell

HER Media with Karrine (Kay) McFarlane

Smart Women with Smokie Sizemore

Basil and Spice with Kelly Jad'on

Cindy Tangen Marketing and Communications

Sam and Janell of PEP

Dazzlin Donna with Donna Fontenot

Kay Moggie Madness

Brand Bites with Liz Pabon

Gulp Blog with Gabriella Goddard – Gulp Blog

Home Based Working Mom with Lesley Spencer Pyle

Key Lime Creative with Jen Harris

BizChicksRule - and Lively Women with Kristen King

Doing Business Blog

The Glass Hammer with Nicki Gilmour

The Successful Smiles Blog with Helaine Smith, DMD

Woman Start Your Business Now with Amanda M. Gladden

Brain Based Business with Dr Ellen Weber

Small Business Trends with Anita Campbell

Engage Selling Solutions with Colleen Frances

Painter Girl with Carol Leonesio at

Attract Abundance with Kim Emerson at

Lillian’s Speakout with Lillian Cauldwell

Angelawd with Angela at

Jen Lemen’s Blog

Tip Diva

Moms United in Business with Jennifer Rogers

Confessions of a Shopaholic with Leslie Linevsky

Networking Excellence with Liz Lynch

The Fresh Approach Coach with Melissa Grossman -

The Kiss Business Too with Karin H

1st VA – with Donna Toothaker

Inkthinker Blog by Kristen King at with Kim Krause Berg with Gina with Valencia Higuera

The Golden Pencil with Anne Wayman

Shakadoo with Jill

All Diva Media with DJ Nelson

The Unconference with Kaliya Hamlin

Microbusiness News Briefs with Dawn Rivers Baker

Michele Marchetti
Laurie Ayers

Australian Women Online with Deborah Robinson

Healthy Living Lounge with Carole Fogarty

Kristina Haymes

Expertise Marketing with Susanna Lowe

Creating with Impact with Robin Matuk

Plain Jane Mom with Erika Jurney

Mommentary with Elinor Dashwood

Tightly Wound

The Human Imprint with Louise Manning

Mommy Monsters with Heidi Saxton

the simple nickle With Meredith

Go Go Girlfriend with Julia Rosien

Barton Pond Feng Shui With Pat B. Doyle

Design & Technology with Emily Chang

JenSense with Jennifer Slegg

Lifehacker with Gina Trapani

Lorell on Wordpress with Lorelle VanFossen

Take Charge of your Life with Marcia Francois

One last thing, if you haven't submitted your business for listing in the Who's Who Directory of Women in eCommerce yet, you have one more day to do so!

Happy Reading and Happy Spring!



Unknown said...

Thank you for including myself and Australian Women Online in your list of 'Women Bloggers to Watch for Spring 2008'. I am honoured to be included with such a talented bunch of women.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including me. I'm going to head on over and submit my listing to the directory...I hope there's still time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention of Internet Mumpreneurs too Heidi :-) And double thanks for the list of blogs to go check out. I see I'm going to be busy...

Barbara Doduk said...

Great list. Surely just the tip of the iceburg of what is out there.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm truly humbled to be included on this list. Thank you very much. And now, I have some new blogs to check out!

Anonymous said...

I saw this last night before calling it a night and was so excited and honored. Its now the next day and I still am.

Thank you so much. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate being added to this list of awesome bloggers!
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for including me and The Human Imprint in such a fantastic list of bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for including me as one of the women bloggers to watch! I am honored, and can't wait to check out some of the other great women bloggers out there!

Helaine Smith, DMD said...

Thank you for including me on the fabulous list!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi

Thanks for the mentioning. Honoured to be among all those great women bloggers.

Karin H. (Keep It Simple Sweetheart, specially in business)

Anonymous said...

Hey, thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

This is a great list of bloggers..^^ I was hoping that happy slip was included..well I guess next time probably she'll make it..^^

Anonymous said...

This is a huge resource - it must have taken you hours to put it together. And you must read a heap of blogs.

I'm looking forward to reading some of them. Thanks.

Liz Pabon, The Branding Maven said...


It's wonderful of you to create and share such a comprehensive list.

Many thanks for including me as one of your 96 women to watch...

The link appears to be broken however, and I wanted to confirm it with you:

If you like Brand Bites, you might also like my brand marketing and online success blog, the MavHERick Marketer, you can find me on:

Thanks again and best of success!


Anonymous said...

Wow - thanks for including us!! What a great list:)

Basil & Spice said...

Thank you for posting my blogsite as one to watch for. This is an honor!

Kelly Jad'on
#1 Site Syndicated Author & Book Views On a Healthy Life!

Basil & Spice said...

Thank you for including my blogsite and name mention in your listing. It's true, we work hard at what we do. This is an honor!

Kelly Jad'on
#1 Site Syndicated Author & Book Views On a Healthy Life

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you very much for including me, it's a real honor.

Heidi Hess Saxton said...

Wow! What a surprise! You made my whole week ... thank you!

I've linked back:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for listing the Women 2.0 Canada as one to watch for. We appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

First of all, good list. Out of all the women bloggers in your list I read "Add Your Comment Here" with Kate. Very informative and entertaining at the same time...

Anonymous said...

Hi there, great list of people to watch. Please add my friend lynn miller's blog to your roll. is really on a green roll: getting lots of attention with her great smart writing and good ideas for moms and for you aussies and brits, mums.
I like it, and know her to be passionate about her campaign against cheap plastic junk, etc. I am not involved with it but think she is doing a great job. Julie,

B. Wright said...

A wonderful list. Keep up this great work. I'll be checking in often...

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled that Julie Power, Editor of the Internet Marketing Report, proposed adding me to your list of 96 women bloggers to watch.

Unfortunately, there was a typo in my's

The site is designed to help make sense of healthy green living. Would love to have you come check it out! It was built out of my frustration with trying to make sense of my organic and green purchases.

Thanks! -- Lynn

Anonymous said...


oops. So i raved about Lynn Miller's blog but put the wrong url in last comment. This is correct one.

Anonymous said...

I'm honored to be included in a list with such talent. Thanks for the great resource and all you do Heidi!

Anonymous said...

nks for including me on this list...I just saw it now!